- 1005 - Smart Gateway
- 1003 - Mini Smart Gateway
- 1302/1304/1305/1600 - Tilt Sensor Node
- 1F06/1F07/1F08 - Laser Tilt /Omni Tilt & Distance Sensor Node
- 1700 - Displacement Sensor Node
- 1A07/1A05/1A06 - 1/4/8-Channel Vibrating Wire Interface Node
- 1501/1510/1517 - RS485 Interface Node
- 1C02 - 2-Channel 4-20mA/1-5V Interface Node
- 1B02 - 6-Channel 120Ω Foil Gauge Interface Node
- 3101 - Visual Node
Smart Plank for Timber Structure monitoring in underground construction
Smart Plank for Timber Structure monitoring in underground construction
Wireless sensor monitoring of station main box wall corners
Wireless sensor monitoring of crossrailtunnels
Wireless sensor monitoring of London power tunnels (NationalGrid)
Wireless sensor monitoring of Shanghai Metro
Wireless sensor monitoring of London Bridge Station Upgrade
Wireless sensor monitoring of Zhejiang Motorway Upgrade
Wireless sensor monitoring of Moorgate Station
Wireless sensor monitoring of Abbey Wood Station Upgrade
Case Centre
Landslide Detection System
HMA Geotechnical solution for Greenfield ammonia plant in Indonesia
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